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My pet dog is afraid of fireworks, what to do?

lots of dogs are afraid of fireworks, as well as their owners don’t know what to do.

I’ll offer my suggestions, however please share your ideas.

What works for one pet dog will not necessarily work for every dog, so a variety of options is a good thing.

How to help if a pet dog is afraid of fireworks

These ideas are for when your pet dog is in the house with you as well as fireworks are heard nearby.

Provide your pet dog with a quiet, safe place.

Some dogs will want to pace or scratch at the door or “dig” if they are scared of fireworks.

Others will bark, as well as some will want to hunker down as well as get somewhere “safe.” I recommend encouraging the pet dog to lie down.

A kennel (crate) is a good option to help your pet dog feel safe, especially if it is in a central part of the house.

Some dogs will naturally retreat to their kennels or pet dog beds. Others will hide under a bed or a desk, as well as that’s ok too.

As long as the pet dog is not hurting herself or chewing anything, consider putting a blanket or pet dog bed in one of these spots to encourage her to snuggle up as well as hide.

You could likewise try a Thundershirt for dogs to help her feel a lot more secure. You can read my dog Thundershirt review here.

Give your pet dog food as a distraction.

Give her a very tempting toy or bone like a Kong toy stuffed with peanut butter, hot dogs or hamburger.

Don’t worry that you are “rewarding” the pet dog for her behavior. Instead, you are encouraging her to kick back as well as focus on something else – chewing on the treat. Some dogs might not show interest in food if they are feeling anxious, so use the most tempting food possible.

If your pet dog is afraid of fireworks, stay calm so she can stay calm.

Humans are very good at overreacting, especially when we are predicting something. If you know your pet dog is afraid of fireworks, don’t add to her stress and anxiety by saying things like, “Oh no, Ginger! Co to jest? Are the fireworks starting?” It’s best not to react at all.

Act normal, like you don’t hear anything. try ignoring your pet dog completely. Don’t even look at her. I know my own pet dog looks to me for my reaction sometimes, as well as that’s how he makes a decision how to react. In these cases, I neglect him, as well as he just sits there.

For some dogs, it may help to speak to them in a low, soft, soothing voice. Coax your pet dog to lie at your feet or in her kennel. If you want to hold your dog, that would be fine.

Don’t worry about “rewarding” the dog’s fear. If you say anything at all, use a slow, calm voice. “Theeeeere. Staaaaay. Goooood. Shhhhhh” would be much better than “Here! Tutaj! Tutaj! Down, girl! W porządku! W porządku! Cii. Cii. Cii.” Zobacz różnicę? Your pet dog will have an much easier time kicking back if you are relaxed.

Use soothing music as well as other background noises to drown out the fireworks.

Obviously our dogs have highly sensitive ears so a TV is not going to deceive them, however it can help. Shutting the windows as well as turning on loud fans or air conditioners can likewise help if a pet dog is scared of fireworks.

Drop hot dogs on the ground whenever fireworks go off.

I know this sounds a little crazy. however seriously, if your pet dog loves hot dogs (or meatballs or cheese), try dropping some every single time a firework goes off.

That indicates you will arm yourself with enough hot dogs to last a half-hour as well as keep dropping them whenever you hear a firework. break the hot dogs in little pieces as well as keep on dropping them. help your pet dog associate something positive with the noise.

Do this every time, as well as you may be able to condition your dog’s internal response. instead of thinking, “Dear God, we’re all gonna die!” your pet dog will think “Oh boy, fireworks! That indicates hot dogs!” This takes time, of course.

Get your pet dog to focus on something else

If your pet dog loves to work on obedience training for food, you might be able to distract her from the fireworks – especially if your treats are real ham or meatballs.

Go over the easy, fun stuff like sit, down, stay, come, shake. keep it really easy as well as fun with lots of rewards.

Go into the basement if you can, where the fireworks are less audible. turn on the TV or some music or loud fans. If she’s one of those fetching nuts or tug-of-war nuts, play those games when the fireworks are happening.

Is your pet dog afraid of fireworks? What are some extra ways you help a pet dog get over her fear?

These ideas were indicated to help if a pet dog is terrified of fireworks ideal now.

Tomorrow I will share some ideas for what to do to help your pet dog prepare for future firWyświetla się EWORKS. Poczuj się bezpłatnie, aby wysłać mi swoje pomysły! Aktualizacja: Możesz przeczytać ten post tutaj.

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