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How to stop a canine from barking

There are all sorts of scenarios where dogs really lose it and bark like crazy, so it’s hard to write about barking in general.

For this post I’m focusing on when you’re home with your canine or in the yard with your canine and he barks because he sees, smells or hears something.

If you’re searching for suggestions on how to stop a canine from barking when home alone, see this post.

And as always, I’d love to hear your ideas because it’s not like my suggestions are going to work for every single dog.

This post is sponsored by green Bark Gummies.

Tips to stop a canine from barking at home

1. keep your canine on a leash.

I don’t imply all the time, just when you know he’s likely to bark.

You ought to know what his “triggers” are by now. If not, make a list.

Keeping your canine on a leash when you know he’ll be tempted to bark will limit his freedom, making it simpler for you to avoid him from barking or to re-gain control if he does start barking.

If your canine is on a leash, he’s less likely to charge the window or the fence or the door.

For example, even if you have a fenced yard, you can still take your canine out on a leash. Really, it’s OK. ?

2. block your dog.

If you know your canine is about to bark, step between your canine and the set off and gently claim the space or get your dog’s attention so he looks at you.

3. use treats and ask for a easy command.

While holding treats best to your dog’s face, ask him to do something easy like “sit” or “down” and reward that behavior.

Keep gratifying the calm behavior for a few seconds or minutes.

If needed, you could put your canine in a down/stay on his canine bed or at your feet for a few minutes. just don’t use it as a punishment; praise him for being calm.

Keep in mind, the treats ought to be good enough to interest your dog.

Green Bark Gummies is a sponsor of That Mutt, and I’ve been using the company’s treats lately for training Ace.

He is nuts over them, and that’s essential with training. You have to find something your canine really loves, whether it’s cheese, ham, hot dogs or whatever.

I think all dogs will love green Bark Gummies, plus they’re made with healthy ingredients, including chia. You can read much more about the company in my review post here.

Did that sound too simple?

Dobry. It ought to be. just having a clear plan and remaining consistent can really make a difference no matter what you’re teaching. If you repeat the above every day over several weeks and months, I think you’ll make some major progress.

A few much more ideas

Won’t the treats just ‘reward’ the barking?

No. You’re gratifying the “sit” or the “down.” Then, as your canine remains quiet and calm, you would continue to reward that with treats or praise. You’re gratifying good behavior.

Sure, some dogs will learn they can bark once and then run over for a treat. You would just want to learn to time it better so you’re getting your dog’s attention best before he actually barks. Then, slowly increase your expectations.

What about scolding the dog?

I’m not against telling a canine no, believe me. but what I’ve discovered is that it doesn’t work so well when the canine is either in a fearful state of mind, very thrilled or possibly protective.

Telling him “no” just doesn’t do a whole lot. let me know if you agree with me on that.

Plus, I don’t recommend scolding a canine who’s reacting out of fear. Instead, calmly show the canine a much more suitable behavior.

What about anti-bark collars?

Sometimes barking is a major issue, and you have to get it under control for various reasons. avoiding eviction, for example.

Anti-bark collars do work, assuming you purchase a high-quality product that’s triggered by the vibration of the dog’s vocal chords and not just sound. how terrible would it be if your canine were corrected whenever your other canine barked? This shouldn’t happen if you have a high-quality collar.

Like all tools, they’re an option for the best situation, and you ought to know why your canine is barking in the first place. I wouldn’t put an anti-bark collar on a canine who’s nervous or scared.

Final thoughts – all dogs learn at their own pace

If you have any ideas or questions about barking or anything else, let me know in the comments. If I don’t have an answer, hopefully someone else will.

What suggestions do you have for stopping a dog’s barking?

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